Your Coffee Bean Story

2016 Bucketlist

by Valerie Anne

I’m really happy and excited to take on 2016 with a positive vibe. I’m confident my family and friends will be there to support me every step of the way. But his feeling in my gut right now is something additional. Something special… or let’s just say, something different.
I have to admit that 2015 has been good to me, especially the latter part of the year. And it might be because of this which gave me positivity as I welcomed 2016, and which I am willing to follow until the end. I’ve read before that when you share your goals with someone else, you tend to stick to them more because it’s just not you who knows of your goals anymore. With that knowledge or feeling, you try to stick to them through thick and thin. I think this is the determination I’m feeling right now, and I’ll keep reminding myself of these goals to re-invent a different and improved me for this year.
I hope that those with their own goals or bucketlists are able to successfully complete and finish their own as well. And also, to not forget and enjoy each and every day that 2016 has to offer. Our time is limited, so we need to always make the most of it.